Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reading Corner

The Reading Corner

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Other readings by theme:

Connectivity Conundrum (where more is less)

Marche, Stephen (2012). Is Facebook making us lonely? The Atlantic, 309(4), May, 60-69.

Digital Disruption

Extensive literature on disruption in human-computer interaction research compiled by corporate and academic scholars.

Disconnecting as a good thing

Mayer-Schonberger, Vicktor (2009). Delete: The virtue of forgetting in the digital age. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Hyper-connectivity's Impact on our Brains, our Work and our Lives

Atchley, Paul (2010). You can’t multitask, so stop trying. Harvard Business Review, December 21.    

Brockman, John (Ed) (2011). Is the Internet changing the way you think?: The Net's impact on our minds and future. New York: Harper Perennial.

Carr, Nicholas (2010). The shallows: How the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember. London: Atlantic. 

Ekekwe, Ndubuisi (2012). Is your smartphone making you less productive? Harvard Business Review, April 6.

Goleman, Daniel (2013). Focus: The hidden driver of success.

Gregg, Melissa (2011). Work's intimacy. Cambridge: Polity Press.

MacCormick, Judith, Dery, Kristine and Kolb, Darl (2012). Engaged, or just connected? Smartphones and employee engagement. Organizational Dynamics, in press.

Rosen, Larry D. (2012). iDisorder: Understanding our obsession with technology and overcoming its hold on us. Palgrave Macmillan.  See Bryan Burrough's review in NY Times, 12 May 2012.

Turkle, Sherry (2011). Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other. New York: Basic Books.

Gleick, James (2011). The information: A history, a theory, a flood. London: HarperCollins.

Hypo-connectivity's Impact on Health, Work and Well-being 

Brown, John Seely and Duguid, Paul (2000). The social life of information.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Hardy, Quentin (2012). 'A summer storm's disruption is felt in the technology cloud.' New York Times, 1 July.

Marche, Stephen (2012). Is Facebook making us lonely? The Atlantic, 309(4), May, 60-69.

Putnam, Robert (2000). Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. New York: Simon and Schuster.

On Networks

Stewart, James (2012). 'When network effects go into reverse.' New York Times, 17 August.  Video: Interview with Jim Stewart.

Optimal Connectivity

Harper, Richard (2010). Texture: Human expression in the age of communications overload. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Kolb, Darl, Collins, Paul and Lind, E. Allen (2008). 'Requisite connectivity: Finding flow in a not-so-flat world.' Organizational Dynamics, 37, 2, 181-189.

Johnson, Steven (2010). Where good ideas come from: A natural history of innovation.  London: Penguin.

Practical Philosophy and Advice for a Connected Age

Chatfield, Tom (2012). How to thrive in the digital age.  London: Macmillan.

Gordhamer, Soren (2013). Wisdom 2.0: The modern movement toward meaningful engagement in business and in life. New York: Harper.

Lanier, Jaron (2010). You are not a gadget: A manifesto. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Perlow, Leslie A. (2012). Sleeping with your smartphone: How to break the 24/7 habit and change the way you work. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.  See HBS blog: 'Breaking the Smartphone Addiction' (14 May 2012).

Powers, William (2010). Hamlet's BlackBerry: Building a good life in the digital age.   New York: Harper Perennial.

Rheingold, Howard (2012). Net Smart: How to thrive online. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Reports and Statistics

Cisco Connected World Report (2011). Reports views and attitudes of college students, who will become workers of the future.

Ganz, James (2012). 'The cloud factories: Power, pollution and the Internet' New York Times, 22 September.

Optus (Australia) 'Future of Work' Report (2011). Looks at trends in telecommunication, with an emphasis on mobile technology uptake.

Noonan, Mary and Glass, Jennifer (2012). The Hard Truth about Telecommuting. Monthly Labor Review, 135, 6.

Perlow, Leslie (2012). HBS blog: 'Breaking the Smartphone Addiction' (14 May), includes statistics of success of BCG consultants implementing 'Predictable Time Off' practices.

Rainie, Lee and Fox, Susannah (2012). 'Just in time information through mobile internet connections.' Pew Internet and American Life Project, 7 May.

Rainie, Lee and Wellman, Barry (2012). Networked: The new social operating system.  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Scales, Measures and Empirical Work

Collins, Paul D.,  Kolb, D. G. (2012). ‘Innovation in distributed teams: The duality of connectivity norms and agency.‘ In: Clare Kelliher and Julia Richardson (ed.)New Ways of Organizing Work: Developments, Perspectives and Experiences, London: Routledge, 140-159. NB: Contains hypo-connectivity, hyper-connectivity, and connectivity choice (agency) scales.

Technical Connectivity

Connectivity Scorecard - A brilliant interactive on-line tool that shows the technical connectivity of many countries around the world.  Sponsored by Nokia Seimens.  A great in-class 'gee whiz' discussion starter.

Ganz, James (2012). 'The cloud factories: Power, pollution and the Internet' New York Times, 22 September.

Talbot, David (2005). 'The Internet is broken.' Technology Review, 108, 12, 62-69.

Connectivity gaps as distance in mobile environments. (blog regarding a talk at NJIT)

Social Connectivity

Myers, Michael and Sundaram, David (2012). 'Digital natives: Rise of the social networking generation.' University of Auckland Business Review, May.

Theoretical Models of Connectivity

Palfrey, J. and Gasser, U. (2012). Interop: The promise and perils of interconnected systems.  New York: Basic Books.

Mazmanian, Melissa, Orlikowski, Wanda, and Yates, JoAnne (2013). 'The autonomy paradox: The implications of mobile email devices for knowledge professionals.'  Organization Science (available on-line).

Kolb, Darl, Caza, Arran and Collins, Paul, (2012). ‘States of connectivity: New questions and new directions.’ Organization Studies, 33, 2, 267-273.

Kolb, Darl G. (2008). ‘Exploring the metaphor of connectivity: Attributes, dimensions and duality.’ Organization Studies, 29, 1, 127-144. 

Kolb, Darl, Collins, Paul and Lind, E. Allen (2008). 'Requisite connectivity: Finding flow in a not-so-flat world.' Organizational Dynamics, 37, 2, 181-189.

Theories of Networks

Granovetter, Mark (1973). 'The strength of weak ties.' American Journal of Sociology, 78, 6, 1360-1380.

Wellman, B. and Berkowitz, S. D. (1988). Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Castells, Manual (1996, 2000). The rise of the network society. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Theories of Technology Use

Barley, Stephen R. (1986). Technology as an occasion for structuring: Evidence from observation of CT scanners and the social order of radiology departments. Administrative Science Quarterly, 31, 78-108.

Jones, Matthew R. and Karsten, Helena (2008). Giddens' structuration theory and information systems research. MIS Quarterly, 32, 1, 127-157.

Barley, Stephen R., Meyerson, Debra, Grodal, Stine (2011). Email as a source and symbol of stress. Organization Science, 4, July-August, 887-906.

Orlikowski, Wanda J. (1992). The duality of technology: Rethinking the concept of technology in organizations. Organization Science, 3/3, 398-427.

Orlikowski, Wanda J. (2007). Sociomaterial practices: Exploring technology at work. Organization Studies, 28, 9, 1435-1448.

Orlikowski, Wanda J. and Scott, Susan (2008). Sociomateriality: Challenging the separation of technology, work and organization. Academy of Management Annals, 2, 1, pp. 433-474.

Leonardi, Paul and Barley, Stephen R. (2010). What's under construction here?  Social action, sociomateriality, and power in the social constructivist studies of technology and organizing. Academy of Management Annals, 4, 1, 1-51.

Virtual (Distributed) Work

Duarte, Deborah and Snyder, Nancy Tennant (2006). Mastering virtual teams: Strategies, tools and techniques that succeed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Elliott, Anthony and Urry, John (2010). Mobile lives. New York: Routledge.

Lojeski, Karen Sobel and Reilly, Richard (2008). Uniting the virtual workforce: Transforming leadership and innovation in the globally integrated enterprise. Microsoft Executive Leadership Series. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Nemiro, Jill, Beyerlein, Michael, Bradley, Lori and Beyerlein, Susan (Eds). (2008). The handbook of high-performing virtual teams: A toolkit for collaborating across boundaries. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

'How to deal with conflict in virtual teams.'  HBR.

See Mark Mortensen and Michael O'Leary's HBR blog

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